Source code for imutools.imu2body

"""Estimation of IMU orientation on body frame


import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.signal as sig
import xarray as xr
import matplotlib as mpl        # noqa:F401
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.animation as animation

from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R  # for zyx covention
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D, proj3d  # noqa:F401
from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch
from skdiveMove.tdrsource import _load_dataset
from skdiveMove.helpers import _append_xr_attr
from .imu import IMUBase, _ACCEL_NAME, _MAGNT_NAME, _TIME_NAME
from .vector import normalize as normalize_vectors
from .vector import vangle

__all__ = ["scatterIMU_svd", "scatterIMU3D", "tsplotIMU_depth",

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Add the null handler if importing as library; whatever using this library
# should set up logging.basicConfig() as needed

# Plot constants
_FIG3X1 = (11, 11)
_LEG2X1_ANCHOR = (0.5, -0.23)
_LEG3X1_ANCHOR = (0.5, -0.23)

class Arrow3D(FancyArrowPatch):
    """Subclass extending FancyArrowPatch to 3D"""
    def __init__(self, xs, ys, zs, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Arrow3D, self).__init__((0, 0), (0, 0), *args, **kwargs)
        self._verts3d = xs, ys, zs

    def draw(self, renderer):
        xs3d, ys3d, zs3d = self._verts3d
        xs, ys, zs = proj3d.proj_transform(xs3d, ys3d, zs3d, self.axes.M)
        self.set_positions((xs[0], ys[0]), (xs[1], ys[1]))
        super(Arrow3D, self).draw(renderer)

    def do_3d_projection(self, renderer=None):
        # TODO: watch for matplotlib update reinstating this method
        xs3d, ys3d, zs3d = self._verts3d
        xs, ys, zs = proj3d.proj_transform(xs3d, ys3d, zs3d, self.axes.M)
        self.set_positions((xs[0], ys[0]), (xs[1], ys[1]))
        return np.min(zs)

[docs] def scatterIMU_svd(vectors, svd, R_ctr2i, normalize=False, center=False, title=None, animate=False, animate_file=None, **kwargs): """3D plotting of vectors and singular vector matrices Plots a surface of the 2 top-most singular vectors computed from SVD overlaid on the scatter of vectors. Parameters ---------- vectors : array_like, shape (N, 3) or (3,) Array with vectors to plot. svd : tuple The 3 arrays from Singular Value Decomposition (left singular vectors, sigma, right singular vectors). R_ctr2i : Rotation :class:`~scipy.spatial.transforms.Rotation` object describing the rotation from the *centered* body frame to the `IMU` frame. normalize : bool, optional Whether to normalize vectors. Default assumes input is normalized. center : bool, optional Whether to center vectors (i.e. subtract the mean). Default assumes input is centered. title : str, optional Title for the plot. animate : bool, optional Whether to animate the plot. animate_file : str, optional Output file for the animation. **kwargs Optional keyword arguments passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.figure` (e.g. `figsize`). Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes """ if normalize: vectors_n = normalize_vectors(vectors) else: vectors_n = vectors if center: vectors_c = vectors_n - vectors_n.mean(axis=0) else: vectors_c = vectors_n view_elev = 15 # elevation for 3D view # Unpack SVD uu, ss, vv = svd # Rows across `uu` define the eigenvectors or axes of the # orthonormal basis sss = ss * 15 # scale eigenvectors by singular values xx_ax, yy_ax, zz_ax = uu * sss # unpack the rows xx = np.array([xx_ax[:2], -xx_ax[1::-1]]) yy = np.array([yy_ax[:2], -yy_ax[1::-1]]) zz = np.array([zz_ax[:2], -zz_ax[1::-1]]) Reuler_lab = (r"$\phi={0:.1f}$, $\theta={1:.1f}$, $\psi={2:.1f}$" .format(*_euler_ctr2body(R_ctr2i))) # Visualization of vectors fig = plt.figure(**kwargs) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") ax.set_title(title) ax.text2D(0.5, -0.05, Reuler_lab, ha="center", transform=ax.transAxes) ax.set_xlabel("x") ax.set_ylabel("y") ax.set_zlabel("z") ax.view_init(elev=view_elev) # ax.set_aspect(0.7) ax.scatter3D(vectors_c[:, 0], vectors_c[:, 1], vectors_c[:, 2], s=3, alpha=0.5) arrow_opts = dict(arrowstyle="<|-|>,head_width=0.1", mutation_scale=15, shrinkA=0, shrinkB=0) for i, col in zip(np.arange(2), ["red", "green"]): # only first 2 PCs arrow_opts.update(color=col) scale_i = sss[i] a = Arrow3D((-(uu[0, i] * scale_i), uu[0, i] * scale_i), (-(uu[1, i] * scale_i), uu[1, i] * scale_i), (-(uu[2, i] * scale_i), uu[2, i] * scale_i), **arrow_opts) ax.add_artist(a) surf_opts = dict(rstride=1, cstride=1, color="plum", alpha=0.5) ax.plot_surface(xx, yy, zz, **surf_opts) if animate: def anim_update(azim): ax.view_init(azim=azim, elev=view_elev) return (ax,) anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, anim_update, blit=False, frames=360, interval=20), fps=20) return ax
def _scatterIMU_svd(vectors, svd, R_b2i, normalize=False, title=None, animate=False, animate_file=None, **kwargs): """3D plotting of vectors and singular vector matrices Plots a surface of the 2 top-most singular vectors computed from SVD overlaid on the scatter of vectors. Parameters ---------- vectors : array_like, shape (N, 3) or (3,) Array with vectors to plot. svd : tuple The 3 arrays from Singular Value Decomposition (left singular vectors, sigma, right singular vectors). R_b2i : Rotation :class:`~scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation` object describing the rotation from the body frame to the `IMU` frame. normalize : bool, optional Whether to normalize vectors. Default assumes input is normalized. title : str, optional Title for the plot. animate : bool, optional Whether to animate the plot. animate_file : str, optional Output file for the animation. **kwargs Optional keyword arguments passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.figure` (e.g. `figsize`). Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes """ if normalize: vectors_n = normalize_vectors(vectors) else: vectors_n = vectors.copy() vectors_n -= vectors_n.mean(axis=0) view_elev = 15 # elevation for 3D view # Unpack SVD uu, ss, vv = svd # Rows across `uu` define the eigenvectors or axes of the # orthonormal basis sss = np.ones(3) / 10 # scale singular vectors xx_ax, yy_ax, zz_ax = uu * sss # unpack the rows xx = np.array([xx_ax[1:], -xx_ax[:0:-1]]) yy = np.array([yy_ax[1:], -yy_ax[:0:-1]]) zz = np.array([zz_ax[1:], -zz_ax[:0:-1]]) Reuler_lab = (r"$\phi={0:.1f}$, $\theta={1:.1f}$, $\psi={2:.1f}$" .format(*_euler_ctr2body(R_b2i))) # Visualization of vectors fig = plt.figure(**kwargs) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") ax.set_title(title) ax.text2D(0.5, -0.05, Reuler_lab, ha="center", transform=ax.transAxes) ax.set_xlabel("x") ax.set_ylabel("y") ax.set_zlabel("z") ax.view_init(elev=view_elev) # ax.set_aspect(0.7) ax.scatter3D(vectors_n[:, 0], vectors_n[:, 1], vectors_n[:, 2], s=3, alpha=0.5) arrow_opts = dict(arrowstyle="<|-|>,head_width=0.1", mutation_scale=15, shrinkA=0, shrinkB=0) for i, col in zip(np.arange(1, 3), ["green", "blue"]): # only last 2 PAs arrow_opts.update(color=col) scale_i = sss[i] a = Arrow3D((-(uu[0, i] * scale_i), uu[0, i] * scale_i), (-(uu[1, i] * scale_i), uu[1, i] * scale_i), (-(uu[2, i] * scale_i), uu[2, i] * scale_i), **arrow_opts) ax.add_artist(a) surf_opts = dict(rstride=1, cstride=1, color="plum", alpha=0.5) ax.plot_surface(xx, yy, zz, **surf_opts) if animate: def anim_update(azim): ax.view_init(azim=azim, elev=view_elev) return (ax,) anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, anim_update, blit=False, frames=360, interval=20), fps=20) return ax
[docs] def scatterIMU3D(vectors, col_vector, normalize=True, title=None, animate=True, animate_file=None, cbar_label=None, **kwargs): """3D plotting of vectors along with depth Scatter plot of vectors, colored by depth. Parameters ---------- vectors : array_like, shape (N, 3) or (3,) Array with vectors to plot. col_vector : array_like, shape (N,) The array to be used for coloring symbols. normalize : bool, optional Whether to normalize vectors. title : str, optional Title for the plot. animate : bool, optional Whether to animate the plot. animate_file : str Output file for the animation. cbar_label : str, optional Title for the color bar. **kwargs Optional keyword arguments passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.figure` (e.g. `figsize`). Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes """ view_elev = 10 if normalize: vecs = normalize_vectors(vectors) else: vecs = vectors fig = plt.figure(**kwargs) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel("x") ax.set_ylabel("y") ax.set_zlabel("z") ax.view_init(elev=view_elev) # ax.set_aspect(0.7) pts3d = ax.scatter3D(vecs[:, 0], vecs[:, 1], vecs[:, 2], s=3, c=col_vector, cmap="jet") cbar = plt.colorbar(pts3d, orientation="horizontal", fraction=0.05, pad=0.05, shrink=0.7, aspect=50) if cbar_label: cbar.set_label(cbar_label) if animate: def anim_update(azim): ax.view_init(azim=azim, elev=view_elev) return (ax,) anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, anim_update, blit=False, frames=360, interval=20), fps=20) return ax
[docs] def tsplotIMU_depth(vectors, depth, time_name=_TIME_NAME, **kwargs): """Plot depth and each column of (N,3) array Parameters ---------- vectors : xarray.DataArray Array with columns to plot in subplot. depth : xarray.DataArray Array with depth measurements. **kwargs : optional keyword arguments Arguments passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.subplots` (e.g. `figsize`). Returns ------- array_like Array with :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` instances. """ fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, 1, sharex=True, **kwargs) axs[0].set_ylabel("Depth [m]") axs[0].invert_yaxis() depth.plot.line(x=time_name, ax=axs[0], color="k") axs[0].axhline(0, linestyle="--", linewidth=0.75, color="k") for i in range(1, 4): vectors[:, i - 1].plot.line(x=time_name, ax=axs[i]) axs[i].axhline(0, linestyle="--", linewidth=0.75, color="k") axs[i].set_title("") axs[i].set_xlabel("") dlocator = mdates.AutoDateLocator(minticks=3, maxticks=7) dformatter = mdates.ConciseDateFormatter(dlocator) axs[i].xaxis.set_major_locator(dlocator) axs[i].xaxis.set_major_formatter(dformatter) axs[0].margins(x=0) axs[-1].tick_params(labelrotation=0, which="both") return axs
def _euler_ctr2body(R_ctr2i): """Helper function to compute Euler angles from the body frame The rotation obtained from SVD on the covariance matrix is for the basis defined by the *centered* data, so pitch and roll refer to the backward facing animal. Flipping the sign of these two angles makes them relative to the forward facing animal. Parameters ---------- R_ctr2i : Rotation `Rotation` object describing the rotation from the *centered* body frame to the `IMU` frame. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, shape (3,) Array with `x`, `y`, and `z' Euler angles """ euler_ctr = R_ctr2i.as_euler("XYZ", degrees=True) euler_ctr[:2] = -euler_ctr[:2] return euler_ctr
[docs] class IMU2Body(IMUBase): """IMU coordinate frame transformation framework The framework is based on the analytical approach taken in TagTools (Matlab). However, the estimation of the IMU orientation uses the covariance matrix, rather than the unscaled correlation (outer product) of acceleration as the input for Singular Value Decomposition. In addition to attributes in :class:`IMUBase`, `IMU2Body` adds the attributes listed below. Attributes ---------- surface_details : pandas.DataFrame accel_sg : pandas.DataFrame Smoothed acceleration signals, if so requested. Otherwise, a pointer to the input acceleration signals. orientations : pandas.DataFrame A summary table describing the orientation of the IMU relative to the body frame for each surface period. Examples -------- Construct IMU2Body from NetCDF file with IMU signals, and comma-separated file with timestamps for surface periods: >>> import importlib.resources as rsrc >>> import skdiveMove.imutools as imutools >>> icdf = (rsrc.files("skdiveMove") / "tests" / "data" / "gertrude" / ... "") >>> icsv = (rsrc.files("skdiveMove") / "tests" / "data" / "gertrude" / ... "gert_long_srfc.csv") Apply Savitzky-Golay filter to acceleration to use as source data for Singular Value Decomposition. The required parameters for the filter are (in a tuple): 1) window length and 2) polynomial order, in that order. >>> imu = imutools.IMU2Body.from_csv_nc(icsv, icdf, ... savgol_parms=(99, 2)) >>> print(imu) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS IMU -- Class IMU2Body object Source File ... IMU: <xarray.Dataset> ... Dimensions: ... Coordinates: * timestamp (timestamp) datetime64[ns] ... * accelerometer (accelerometer) <U1 12B 'x' 'y' 'z' * magnetometer (magnetometer) <U1 12B 'x' 'y' 'z' * gyroscope (gyroscope) <U1 12B 'x' 'y' 'z' Data variables: depth (timestamp) float64 ... acceleration (timestamp, accelerometer) float64 ... magnetic_density (timestamp, magnetometer) float64 ... angular_velocity (timestamp, gyroscope) float64 ... Attributes:... animal_id: Unknown animal_species_common: Humpback whale animal_species_name: Megaptera novaeangliae deployment_id: gert01 source_files: gertrude_2017.csv,... Surface segment duration summary: count 68 mean 0 days 00:02:01.764705882 std 0 days 00:02:15.182918382 min 0 days 00:00:11 25% 0 days 00:00:29.750000 50% 0 days 00:00:59 75% 0 days 00:02:26.250000 max 0 days 00:08:43 dtype: object See :doc:`/demos/demo_imu2body` demo for an extended example of typical usage of the methods in this class. """ def __init__(self, surface_details, savgol_parms=None, **kwargs): """Set up attributes required for estimation Parameters ---------- surface_details : pandas.DataFrame Table with details of surfacing intervals defining the periods to be used for estimating the orientation of the IMU. It must have columns named `beg.surface`, `end.surface`, and `` as `datetime64` date type. These indicate the beginning and end timestamps, and timestamps for the beginning of descent after the surface period, respectively, for each surfacing period to analyze in the `imu` object. The index of this DataFrame should be a datetime indicating the end of ascent of the last dive prior to the beginning of the surface segment. This is the typical output `data.frame` from diveMove's `diveStats` function. savgol_parms : tuple, optional A 2-element tuple with the window length and polynomial order for the Savitzky-Golay filter (:func:`~scipy.signal.savgol_filter`) to smooth acceleration. **kwargs : optional keyword arguments Arguments passed to the `IMUBase.__init__` for instantiation, except `has_depth` because the input `Dataset` is assumed to have a depth `DataArray`. See Also -------- `IMU2Body.from_csv_nc` : Instantiate from NetCDF and CSV files. """ super(IMU2Body, self).__init__(has_depth=True, **kwargs) self.surface_details = surface_details.copy() self.orientations = None acc = self.acceleration # NOT A COPY if savgol_parms: win_width, polyord = savgol_parms acc_sg = sig.savgol_filter(acc.to_numpy(), win_width, polyord, axis=0) accel_sg = acc.copy(data=acc_sg) else: accel_sg = acc msg = ("{}: Savitzky-Golay filter\n" .format(pd.to_datetime("today") .strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))) _append_xr_attr(accel_sg, "history", msg) self.accel_sg = accel_sg
[docs] @classmethod def from_csv_nc(cls, surface_details_csv, imu_nc, endasc_col=0, beg_surface_col=5, end_surface_col=6, beg_next_desc_col=7, savgol_parms=None, load_dataset_kwargs=dict(), **kwargs): """Create IMU2Body from NetCDF and CSV surface details files Utility function to facilitate reading and reshaping data files into and IMU2Body instance. Parameters ---------- surface_details_csv : str Path to CSV file with details of long surface intervals. imu_nc : str Path to NetCDF file with IMU data. endasc_col : int Index of the column with the timestamps identifying the end of ascent. beg_surface_col : int Index of the column with the timestamps identifying the beginning of the surface interval. end_surface_col : int Index of the column with the timestamps identifying the end of the surface interval. beg_next_desc_col : int Index of the column with the timestamps identifying the beginning of the next interval. savgol_parms : tuple, optional A 2-element tuple with the window length and polynomial order for the Savitzky-Golay filter (:func:`~scipy.signal.savgol_filter`) to smooth acceleration. load_dataset_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of optional keyword arguments passed to :func:`xarray.load_dataset`. **kwargs Optional keyword arguments passed to :meth:`IMUBase.__init__` method, except `has_depth` or `imu_filename`. The input `Dataset` is assumed to have a depth `DataArray`. Returns ------- IMU2Body """ # Read CSV parse_date_cols = [beg_surface_col, end_surface_col, beg_next_desc_col] srfc_df = pd.read_csv(surface_details_csv, usecols=[endasc_col] + parse_date_cols, parse_dates=[0, 1, 2, 3]) srfc_col_names = ["endasc", "beg.surface", "end.surface", ""] srfc_df.columns = srfc_col_names srfc_df.set_index(srfc_col_names[0], inplace=True) # Read NetCDF imu = _load_dataset(imu_nc, **load_dataset_kwargs) ocls = cls(srfc_df, savgol_parms=savgol_parms, dataset=imu, imu_filename=imu_nc, **kwargs) return ocls
def __str__(self): super_str = super(IMU2Body, self).__str__() srfc_dur_summary = self.describe_surfacing_durations() msg = "\nSurface segment duration summary:\n{}" return super_str + msg.format(srfc_dur_summary)
[docs] def describe_surfacing_durations(self): """Return a summary of surfacing durations Returns ------- pandas.Series Summary description of durations See Also -------- filter_surfacings """ srfc_dur = (self.surface_details["end.surface"] - self.surface_details["beg.surface"]) return srfc_dur.describe()
def _get_surface_mask(self, surface_idx): """Return mask dictionary for given index in surface details table Parameters ---------- surface_idx : datetime64 Index in surface details table to be analyzed. Returns ------- mask : dict Boolean array. """ # Isolate surface segment tlims = (self.surface_details.loc[surface_idx, ["beg.surface", "end.surface"]]) # Retrieve sampling rate from one of DataArray itvl = self.sampling_interval left_lim = tlims.iloc[1] - pd.Timedelta(itvl, unit="s") mask_d = {self.time_name: slice(tlims.iloc[0], left_lim)} return mask_d
[docs] def get_surface_vectors(self, surface_idx, name, smoothed_accel=False): """Subset vectors of given name from IMU object for given index Return vectors of given name from IMU object for given index in surface details table. Parameters ---------- surface_idx : datetime64 Index in surface details table to be analyzed. name : str, {"acceleration", "magnetic_density", "depth"} Name of the vector array to subset. smoothed_accel : bool, optional Whether to return the smoothed acceleration (if ``name="acceleration"``) Returns ------- vectors : xarray.DataArray """ names = [_ACCEL_NAME, _MAGNT_NAME, "depth"] if name not in names: msg = "name must be one of " raise ValueError(msg + ", ".join("\"{}\"".format(m) for m in names)) # Isolate surface segment sfci_mask = self._get_surface_mask(surface_idx) # Apply mask if name == names[0]: if smoothed_accel: sfci_vector = self.accel_sg.loc[sfci_mask] else: sfci_vector = (getattr(self, _ACCEL_NAME) .loc[sfci_mask]) elif name == names[1]: sfci_vector = (getattr(self, _MAGNT_NAME) .loc[sfci_mask]) else: sfci_vector = (getattr(self, self.depth_name) .loc[sfci_mask]) return sfci_vector
[docs] def get_orientation(self, surface_idx, plot=True, **kwargs): """Compute orientation for a given index in surface details table The orientation is computed via Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), assuming that the chosen IMU data correspond to the animal close to the surface and moving with negligible pitching and rolling motions. The function returns the rotation from the animal body frame to the IMU frame, along with the SVD matrices. Note that a right-handed coordinate system is assumed. Parameters ---------- surface_idx : datetime64 Index in surface details table to be analyzed. plot : bool, optional Whether to generate a plot of the estimate **kwargs Optional keyword arguments passed to :meth:`scatterIMU_svd`. Only `title` and `animate` are taken. Returns ------- Rotation, (U, S, V) : tuple :class:`~scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation` object with potentially modified left singular vectors from Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), and full matrices from SVD (left singular vectors, sigma, and right singular vectors). Notes ----- The reference frame for the output :class:`~scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation` object is defined by the *centered* acceleration vectors. All three components of this reference frame point in the positive direction of the centered data. Furthermore, this rotation is not identical to the left singular vectors because it has been flipped 180 degrees so that the rotated acceleration is negatively related to the depth gradient, as it should. Therefore, a copy of that basis was transformed by flipping the signs of these components so as to match the right-handed coordinate system assumed in the class. """ # Isolate surface segment sfci_acc = self.get_surface_vectors(surface_idx, "acceleration", smoothed_accel=True) sfci_depth = self.get_surface_vectors(surface_idx, "depth") # Normalize vectors sfci_acc_n = normalize_vectors(sfci_acc.to_numpy()) # Center vectors sfci_acc_mu = sfci_acc_n.mean(axis=0) sfci_acc_ctr = sfci_acc_n - sfci_acc_mu # For computing the covariance matrix, it doesn't really matter # whether we use centered data or not, as the operation # intrinsically centers anyway sfci_acc_cov = np.cov(sfci_acc_ctr, rowvar=False) # Singular value decomposition of the covariance matrix (i.e. PCA) uu, ss, vv = np.linalg.svd(sfci_acc_cov) Rfull = R.from_matrix(uu) Reuler = Rfull.as_euler("XYZ") eulers_lab = r"$\phi={0:.1f}$, $\theta={1:.1f}$, $\psi={2:.1f}$" eulers_maybe_lab = "Candidate Euler angles: " + eulers_lab eulers_final_lab = "Adjusted Euler angles: " + eulers_lab*np.degrees(Reuler))) sfci_acc_ctr_body = Rfull.apply(sfci_acc_ctr, inverse=True) # Check that relationship between acceleration along the # longitudinal axis and depth derivative is negative sfci_depth_1d = sfci_depth.to_numpy().flatten() accx_depth_coef = np.polyfit(sfci_acc_ctr_body[:, 0], np.gradient(sfci_depth_1d), deg=1)"Acceleration ~ $\nabla$Depth $b_1$={:.2f}" .format(accx_depth_coef[0])) if accx_depth_coef[0] > 0: Rfull = Rfull * R.from_euler("Z", np.pi) Reuler = Rfull.as_euler("XYZ")*np.degrees(Reuler))) if plot: title = kwargs.pop("title", "IMU-Frame Centered Acceleration [g]") animate = kwargs.pop("animate", True) surface_idx_str = surface_idx.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") animate_file = kwargs.pop("animate_file", ("imu2whale_{}.mp4" .format(surface_idx_str))) normalize = kwargs.pop("normalize", False) if normalize:"Vectors are already normalized") scatterIMU_svd(sfci_acc_ctr, (uu, ss, vv), Rfull, title=title, animate=animate, animate_file=animate_file, **kwargs) return (Rfull, (uu, ss, vv))
[docs] def get_orientations(self): r"""Obtain orientation for all periods in surface details table A quality index (:math:`q`) for each estimate is calculated as: .. math:: q = \frac{s_{3}}{s_{2}} where the dividend and divisor are the singular values for the third and second singular vectors, respectively. A second indicator of the quality of the estimates is given as the standard deviation of the projection of the acceleration vector onto the second singular vector (i.e. pitching axis). Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame indexed the by the rows of the surface details table, and having the following columns: - ``R``: Rotation - ``SVD``: SVD matrices - ``quality``: Tuple (quality index, std) for the estimate - ``phi``: Roll angle (degrees) from body to IMU frame - ``theta``: Pitch angle (degrees) from body to IMU frame - ``psi``: Yaw angle (degrees) from body to IMU frame See Also -------- get_orientation """ srfcs = self.surface_details subd_l = ["R", "SVD", "quality", "phi", "theta", "psi"] # Be careful associating a new sub-dictionary here! orientations = {idx: dict.fromkeys(subd_l) for idx in srfcs.index} for idx in orientations.keys(): msg = "Surface Period: {}" idx_str = idx.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") Ridx, svd = self.get_orientation(idx, plot=False) uu, ss, vv = svd acc_idx = self.get_surface_vectors(idx, "acceleration", smoothed_accel=True) acc_idx = normalize_vectors(acc_idx.to_numpy()) acc_theta_sd = np.std(acc_idx @ uu[1, :][np.newaxis].T) orientations[idx]["quality"] = (ss[2] / ss[1], acc_theta_sd.item()) orientations[idx]["R"] = Ridx orientations[idx]["SVD"] = svd phi, theta, psi = _euler_ctr2body(Ridx) orientations[idx]["phi"] = phi orientations[idx]["theta"] = theta orientations[idx]["psi"] = psi orientations = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(orientations, orient="index") orientations.index.rename(, inplace=True) self.orientations = orientations return orientations
[docs] def orient_surfacing(self, surface_idx, R_b2i): """Apply orientation for a given index in surface details table Re-orient acceleration and magnetic density of IMU object relative to body frame, and return re-oriented IMU object. Note that the provided `R_b2i` must describe the rotation from the body frame to the IMU frame. The opposite rotation is applied to the acceleration and magnetic field vectors of the selected surface segment to orient the data in the body frame. Parameters ---------- surface_idx : datetime64 Index in surface details table to be analyzed. R_b2i : Rotation :class:`~scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation` object representing the rotation from the body frame to the IMU frame. Returns ------- xarray.Dataset The re-oriented IMU object. See Also -------- orient_surfacings orient_IMU """ sfci_mask = self._get_surface_mask(surface_idx) imu_sfci = self.imu.loc[sfci_mask].copy() acc = imu_sfci.acceleration magnt = imu_sfci.magnetic_density acc_body = R_b2i.apply(acc.to_numpy(), inverse=True) magnt_body = R_b2i.apply(magnt.to_numpy(), inverse=True) = acc_body = magnt_body return imu_sfci
[docs] def orient_surfacings(self, R_all=None): """Apply orientation to all periods in surface details table If the `orientations` attribute was filled, use it to build multi-index dataframe, othewise, fill it. This method orients each segment independently, as opposed to a "smooth" transition between segments. Use :meth:`IMU2Body.orient_IMU` once satisfied with the results from individual segments to achieve a smooth adjustment of orientation across segments. Parameters ---------- R_all : Rotation, optional A :class:`~scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation` object representing the rotation from the *centered* body frame to the IMU frame to be applied to all surface periods. Default is to use the period-specific rotation. Returns ------- xarray.Dataset Dataset with the re-oriented surface IMU objects. If `R_all` was not provided, the Dataset contains an additional coordinate representing the surfacing period for each segment. See Also -------- orient_surfacing orient_IMU """ if self.orientations is None:"Calculating orientations") self.get_orientations() sfces = [] for idx, row in self.orientations.iterrows(): if R_all is not None: sfci = self.orient_surfacing(idx, R_all) else: sfci = self.orient_surfacing(idx, row["R"]) sfces.append(sfci) return xr.concat(sfces, dim=self.orientations.index)
[docs] def orient_IMU(self, R_all=None): """Apply orientations to the IMU object Use the rotations for each surface period segment to re-orient the IMU object to the animal frame. Alternatively, apply the supplied rotation to the entire IMU object. An overview of the re-orientation process is illustrated below. .. image:: /.static/images/time_series_rotation.png :width: 100% Each surface segment :math:`s_i`, delineated by beginning and ending times :math:`t_{0}^{s_i}` and :math:`t_{1}^{s_i}` (:math:`i=1` to :math:`i=n`), respectively, allows for an estimate of the `IMU` device orientation on the animal. The corresponding rotation :math:`R_{s_{i}}` for transforming data from the `IMU` frame to the animal frame is applied to the data segments in the second line above, from the beginning of the deployment at :math:`t_0` to the end at :math:`t_k`. Parameters ---------- R_all : Rotation, optional A :class:`~scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation` object representing the rotation from the *centered* body frame to the IMU frame to be applied to the entire `IMU` object. Returns ------- xarray.Dataset Dataset with the re-oriented IMU object. If `R_all` was not provided, the Dataset contains an additional coordinate representing the surfacing period for each segment. See Also -------- orient_surfacing orient_surfacings """ if self.orientations is None:"Calculating orientations") self.get_orientations() def orient_segment(seg, R_seg):"Re-orienting from {0} to {1}" .format((seg.coords[self.time_name][0] .dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") .item()), (seg.coords[self.time_name][-1] .dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") .item()))) acc = seg.acceleration magnt = seg.magnetic_density acc_b = R_seg.apply(acc, inverse=True) magnt_b = R_seg.apply(magnt, inverse=True) = acc_b = magnt_b return seg imu = self.imu.copy() if R_all is None: imu_l = [] # Subset first segment (start through beginning of descent into # dive at end of first surface period) next_desc = self.surface_details.iloc[0][""] # Dealing with annoying copy/view. Drop the last index to # avoid duplicates itvl = self.sampling_interval left_lim = next_desc - pd.Timedelta(itvl, unit="s") sel_d = {self.time_name: slice(None, left_lim)} seg0 = orient_segment(imu.loc[sel_d], self.orientations.iloc[0]["R"]) imu_l.append(seg0) # Re-orient the middle section from the beginning of first dive # in prior diving section through beginning of next dive in # next diving section for idx, row in self.orientations.iloc[1:-1].iterrows(): next_desc_i = (self.surface_details .loc[idx][""]) left_lim = next_desc_i - pd.Timedelta(itvl, unit="s") sel_d = {self.time_name: slice(next_desc, left_lim)} seg_i = orient_segment(imu.loc[sel_d], row["R"]) imu_l.append(seg_i) # Set next descent to current one next_desc = next_desc_i # Last segment (use remnant `row` object) sel_d = {self.time_name: slice(next_desc, None)} seg_end = orient_segment(imu.loc[sel_d], row["R"]) imu_l.append(seg_end) imus = xr.concat(imu_l, dim=self.orientations.index) else: imus = orient_segment(imu, R_all) return imus
[docs] def filter_surfacings(self, qual_thresh): """Filter records from `surface_details` and `orientations` Remove records from the `surface_details` and `orientations` attributes, based on `quality` and, optionally, duration of the surface period. Records with quality higher than the specified value, and (optionally) duration lower than the specified number of seconds, are removed. Parameters ---------- qual_thresh : tuple Tuple with quality index and standard deviation of rolling motion during surface periods, in that order. Records with quality value higher, and standard deviation of rolling motion higher than these thresholds are removed. See Also -------- describe_surfacing_durations """ qual = self.orientations["quality"].apply(pd.Series) qual.columns = ["q_index", "phi_std"] bad = ((qual["q_index"] > qual_thresh[0]) | (qual["phi_std"] > qual_thresh[1])) bad_ids = self.orientations.index[bad] self.surface_details.drop(bad_ids, inplace=True) # Recalculate orientations as the edges have changed self.get_orientations()
[docs] def scatterIMU3D(self, surface_idx, vec_name, smoothed_accel=False, **kwargs): """Class plotting wrapper for module-level function Parameters ---------- surface_idx : datetime64 Index in surface details table to be analyzed. vec_name : str, {"acceleration", "magnetic_density"} Name of the vector array to subset. smoothed_accel : bool, optional Whether to plot the smoothed acceleration (if `vec_name="acceleration"`) **kwargs Optional keyword arguments passed to :meth:`scatterIMU3D`. Returns ------- Axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes See Also -------- tsplotIMU_depth """ if not smoothed_accel: vectors = self.get_surface_vectors(surface_idx, vec_name) else: vectors = self.get_surface_vectors(surface_idx, vec_name, smoothed_accel=True) depth = self.get_surface_vectors(surface_idx, "depth") ax = scatterIMU3D(vectors.to_numpy(), depth.to_numpy().flatten(), cbar_label="Depth [m]", **kwargs) return ax
[docs] def tsplotIMU_depth(self, vec_name, surface_idx=None, smoothed_accel=False, **kwargs): """Class plotting wrapper for module-level function Plot selected vector along with depth for the entire time series, and the edges of all surface segments overlaid on the depth panel. Alternatively, a specific surface segment can be plotted individually. Parameters ---------- vec_name : str, {"acceleration", "magnetic_density"} Name of the vector array to subset. surface_idx : datetime64, optional Index in surface details table to be analyzed. smoothed_accel : bool, optional Whether to plot the smoothed acceleration (if `vec_name="acceleration"`) **kwargs Optional keyword arguments passed to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.subplots` (e.g. `figsize`). Returns ------- array_like Array with :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` instances. See Also -------- scatterIMU3D """ if surface_idx: if not smoothed_accel: vectors = self.get_surface_vectors(surface_idx, vec_name) else: vectors = self.get_surface_vectors(surface_idx, vec_name, smoothed_accel=True) depth = self.get_surface_vectors(surface_idx, "depth") else: if not smoothed_accel: vectors = self.imu[vec_name] else: vectors = self.accel_sg depth = self.depth axs = tsplotIMU_depth(vectors, depth, **kwargs) if not surface_idx: sfc_begend = self.surface_details[["beg.surface", "end.surface"]] for sfc_id, lims in sfc_begend.iterrows(): axs[0].axvspan(lims.iloc[0], lims.iloc[1], facecolor="g", alpha=0.5) return axs
class _TagTools(IMU2Body): """A subclass implementing the approach taken by TagTools""" def get_orientation(self, surface_idx, plot=True, **kwargs): """Compute orientation for a given index in surface details table The orientation is computed via Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), assuming that the chosen `IMU` data correspond to the animal close to the surface and moving with negligible pitching and rolling motions. The function returns the rotation from the animal body frame to the `IMU` frame, along with the SVD matrices. Note that a right-handed coordinate system is assumed. Parameters ---------- surface_idx : datetime64 Index in surface details table to be analyzed. plot : bool, optional Whether to generate a plot of the estimate **kwargs Optional keyword arguments passed to :meth:`scatterIMU_svd`. Only `title` and `animate` are taken. Returns ------- Rotation, (U, S, V) : tuple `Rotation` object with potentially modified left singular vectors from Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), and full matrices from SVD (left singular vectors, sigma, and right singular vectors). Notes ----- The reference frame for the output `Rotation` object is defined by the origin of acceleration vectors. The first component of this reference frame points in the positive direction from the origin of the data. Furthermore, this rotation is not identical to the left singular vectors because the Rodrigues formula was used to transform that basis. """ # Isolate surface segment (we transform input acceleration) sfci_acc = self.get_surface_vectors(surface_idx, "acceleration", smoothed_accel=False) sfci_depth = self.get_surface_vectors(surface_idx, "depth") # Normalize vectors sfci_acc_n = normalize_vectors(sfci_acc.to_numpy()) sfci_acc_opr = sfci_acc_n.T @ sfci_acc_n # Singular value decomposition of the outer product uu, ss, vv = np.linalg.svd(sfci_acc_opr)"Lowest PA, x={0:.2E}, y={1:.2E}, z={2:.2E}" .format(*uu[:, 2])) # Target y-vector in the animal frame ytarget = np.array([0, 1, 0]) # Find unit vector normal to the plane formed by the animal frame # y-coordinate and lowest singular vector (the one along the # transversal axis of the animal, i.e. pitching axis) phi = normalize_vectors(np.cross(ytarget, uu[:, 2]))"Phi axis, x={0:.2E}, y={1:.2E}, z={2:.2E}" .format(*phi)) # Angle between target y-vector and lowest singular vector alpha = vangle(ytarget, uu[:, 2])"Angle between y-axis and lowest PA: {:.2f} [deg]" .format(np.degrees(alpha))) # Skew or cross-product matrix of phi skew = np.array([[0, -phi[2], phi[1]], [phi[2], 0, -phi[0]], [-phi[1], phi[0], 0]]) # Assemble rotation matrix using Rodrigues' formula Rrod = (np.eye(3) + (np.sin(alpha) * skew) + (1 - np.cos(alpha)) * (skew @ skew)) # [MJ]: So far we have anchored the rotation axis to the y-axis but # that only takes care of 2 of the 3 degrees of freedom in the tag # orientation. The tag could still be pitched up or down as this is # a rotation around the y-axis. To do something about this we have # to assume that the animal has a mean pitch of zero when at the # surface. We force this condition by rotating around the y-axis # (i.e., a pitch rotation). Mean acceleration vector after # rotation by `Rrod` acc_muR = sfci_acc_n.mean(axis=0) @ Rrod # Remaining pitch angle that should be reduced to zero (need to # re-express this in RHS) p0 = np.arctan2(-acc_muR[0], acc_muR[2])"Pitch angle: {:.2f} [deg]".format(np.degrees(p0))) # Combine the pitching rotation above with `Rrod` Rfull_rod = R.from_euler("y", p0).as_matrix() @ Rrod.T Rfull = R.from_matrix(Rfull_rod.T) Reuler = Rfull.as_euler("XYZ") eulers_lab = r"$\phi={0:.1f}$, $\theta={1:.1f}$, $\psi={2:.1f}$" eulers_maybe_lab = "Candidate Euler angles: " + eulers_lab eulers_final_lab = "Adjusted Euler angles: " + eulers_lab*np.degrees(Reuler))) sfci_acc_n_body = Rfull.apply(sfci_acc_n, inverse=True) # Check that relationship between acceleration along the # longitudinal axis and depth derivative is negative sfci_depth_1d = sfci_depth.to_numpy().flatten() accx_depth_coef = np.polyfit(sfci_acc_n_body[:, 0], np.gradient(sfci_depth_1d), deg=1)"Acceleration ~ $\nabla$Depth $b_1$={:.2f}" .format(accx_depth_coef[0])) if accx_depth_coef[0] > 0: Rfull = Rfull * R.from_euler("Z", np.pi) Reuler = Rfull.as_euler("XYZ")*np.degrees(Reuler))) if plot: title = kwargs.pop("title", "IMU-Frame Centered Acceleration [g]") animate = kwargs.pop("animate", True) surface_idx_str = surface_idx.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") animate_file = kwargs.pop("animate_file", ("imu2whale_{}.mp4" .format(surface_idx_str))) _scatterIMU_svd(sfci_acc_n, (uu, ss, vv), Rfull, title=title, animate=animate, animate_file=animate_file) return (Rfull, (uu, ss, vv))